Ted's Bridge World Problems

Counter-Intuitive II


West plays in 6NT against North's lead of the 10.

Declarer cashes three top hearts, two top diamonds, and two top spades.  North discards on the third heart and also on the second diamond.  South shows out on the second round of spades.  Declarer now claims twelve tricks.  How?

Apparently declarer didn't learn his lesson from the prior Problem.  His best-percentage shot probably would have been to lead the club queen at trick two!  Losing only when south holds the club king and guards both majors, that ploy would have made easy work of the end-position on this deal.  As before, however, declarer can recover from his greedy approach to the deal:


Declarer cashes two more diamonds, discarding clubs from dummy.  North must discard clubs and keep all of his spades, lest he be thrown in with his last spade for a club return into the A-Q.  Now a spade is led to the ace, and south is squeezed in three suits.  If he keeps his two red winners, the club king will drop.

It is most unusual to execute a three-suit squeeze as late as trick ten.

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