Ted's Wildflowers Sharon's Garden, 2023

The names are what my phone app told me; I hope they are correct.

– click on any image once or twice for a more detailed view –

Love My Garden

African Milk Tree
Afterglow Echeveria

Aloe Vera
Angel Wings

Asparagus Fern
Astridia Velutina

Barberton Daisy
Bird of Paradise

Black Rose
Blue Myrtle-Cactus

Brasilicactus Haselbergii
Chenille Plant

Common Freesia
Copper Pinwheel

Coppertone Sedum
Echeveria 'Party Dress'

Echeveria 'Zorro'
Eve's Pin

Felt Plant
Firecracker Penstemon

Fred Ives
Freesia Hybrid

Gollum Jade
Haworth's Aeonium

Jersey Cudweed

Lavender Scallops
Myrtle Spurge

Myrtle-Leaf Milkwort

Paddle Plant
Pencil Tree

Pickle Plant
Purple Nightshade

Santa Rita Prickly Pear
Slender Leaved Ice Plant

Tree Aeonium
Turk's Cap

Zonal Geranium
The End
