The Best of Wildflowers |
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Purdy's Penstemon
California Buckeye
Gold Moss Stonecrop
Wild Garlic
Cows Clover


Sulfur Flower Buckwheat
Purdy's Penstemon
Leichtlin's Mariposa Lily
Spearleaf Stonecrop
Small-flowered Milkvetch
Western Blue Flax
Branching Phacelia
Alpine Lily
Cobwebby Thistle
Basada Lupine
Golden Globe Lily
Coastal Bluff Morning Glory
Harlequin Flower
Yellow Star Tulip
Sea Thrift
Coastal Tidy Tips
Hairy Pink
Purple Sanicle
Fringed Redmaids
Barrel Cactus
White Tack-Stem
Beavertail Cactus
Hummingbird Bush
Baby Blue Eyes
Great Valley Cilata
Bunchflower Daffodil

Lobb's Lupine
Sulfur-flower Buckwheat
St. John's Wort

Royal Penstemon
Arrowleaf Ragwort
Giant Red Indian Paintbrush
Showy Penstemon
Woods' Rose
Kelley's Lily
Perennial Pea
Snowy Thistle
Royal Penstemon
Smokey Mariposa Lily

Western Wallflower
Royal Penstemon
Winecup Fairyfan
White Brodiaea
Common Madia
Tomcat Clover
Clay Mariposa Lily

Pacific Stonecrop
Showy Penstemon
Brown's Peony
Twining Brodiaea
Kellogg's Monkeyflower
White Globe Lily
Lesser Hawkbit
Sonoma Sage
Twining Snakelily
Peninsular Onion
Purple Owl's Clover
Mountain Dandelion
White-Tip Clover
Bird's Eye Gilia
Harvest Brodiaea

Coville's Columbine
Alpine Lily
Mountain Pride
Narrowleaf Yucca
Tufted Evening Primrose
Prickly Pear Cactus

Claret Cup Cactus
Northwest Indian Paintbrush
Shooting Star

Ice Plant
Pacific Mountain Onion
Spotted Locoweed
Royal Penstemon
Woolly Groundsel
Wandering Daisy
Lobb's Lupine
Slendertube Skyrocket = Scarlet Gilia
Beavertail Cactus
Desert Chicory

Shooting Star
Blue Flax and Pennyroyal
Slendertube Skyrocket
Sulfur Buckwheat
Labrador Tea
Red Mountain Heather
Mountain Monardella
Mountain Pride
Rainbow Iris

Canyon Liveforever
Purple Owl's CLover

Indian Blanket
Jersey Lily
Purple Monkeyflower
Great Blanket Flower
Hooker's Thistle
Glacier Lily
Red Mountain Heather
Camas Lily
White Mountain Heather
Texas Thistle
Red Ribbons
Showy Penstemon
Cobwebby Thistle
Pitcher Sage
Whipple's Fishhook Cactus
California Poppies
Purple Owl's Clover
Lesser Hawkbit

Copeland's Owl's Clover
Spreading Dogbane

California False Hellebore
Cascade Aster
Alpine Lily
Mule's Ears
Western Thimbleberry
Douglas's Iris
Red Clintonia
Columbia Lily
Autumn Hawkbit
Harlequin Lupine
Sierra Nevada Agoseris
Wandering Daisy
Annual Honesty
Snow Queen
Purple Owl's Clover

Bigelow's Sneezeweed
Rose Thistle
Cow Clover
Arrowleaf Ragwort
Rose Meadowsweet
Royal Penstemon
Western Thistle
Sierra Stonecrop
Drummond's Anemone
White Mountain Heather
Wandering Daisy
Red Mountain Heather
Purple Fawn Lily

Red Mountain Heather
Coastal Morning Glory
Wild Radish
Blue-eyed Grass
Queen Anne's Lace
Orange Bush Monkeyflower
Red Ribbons
Morning Glory
Bridges' Brodiaea
Indian Pink
Spring Madia
Elegant Clarkia
Blessed Milkthistle
Superb Mariposa Lily
Heartleaf Milkweed
Purple Chinese Houses
Aspen Fleabane
Twining Brodiaea

Shaggy Mane Mushroom
Coville's Columbine
Royal Larkspur

Crimson Columbine
Alpine Aster
Shooting Star
Mountain Blue Penstemon
Alpine Lily
Red Mountain Heather
Sierra Primrose
Rock Fringe
Elephant Heads
Red Mountain Heather
Corn Lily
Silver Lupine
Sierra Penstemon
Royal Penstemon
Spotted Locoweed
Slendertube Skyrocket
Snow Plant

Purdy's Penstemon
Rydberg's Penstemon
Pacific Salmonberry
Bridges' Brodiaea
Woods' Rose

Elephant Heads
Woolly Sunflower
Tufted Evening Primrose
King's Cup Cactus

Sulfur-flower Buckwheat
Coville's Columbine

Mountain Laurel
Ranger Buttons
Spreading Phlox
Ruby Chalice Clarkia
Chinese St. John's Wort

Sierra Fringed Gentian
Red Mountain Heather
Coville's Columbine
Kelley's Lily
White Clover
Woods' Rose
Bruneau Mariposa Lily
Red-seeded Dandelion
Blue Mountain Penstemon
Mountain Pride
Baby Blue Eyes

Hummingbird Trumpet
Humboldt Lily
Labrador Tea
Cobwebby Thistle

Snow Plant
Woolly Sunflower
Snow Plant
Canyon Liveforever
Northwest Indian Paintbrush
Ithuriel's Spear

California Fuchsia
Wandering Daisy
Lanceleaf Liveforever
Rose Clover
California Balsamroot
Scarlet Campion

Canyon Liveforever
Blue Dicks

Western Groundsel
Grass of Parnassus
Hairy Arnica
Blue-Eyed Grass
Giant Red Indian Paintbrush
Scarlet Lupine
European Columbine
Bearded Iris
Mountain Pasqueflower
Yellow Columbine
Water Lily

Slendertube Skyrocket
California Polemonium
Rose Meadowsweet
Yellow Willow
Western Groundsel
Snow Plant
Narrow Leaved Brodiaea
Yellow Mariposa Lily
Sulfur Buckwheat
Golden Globe Lily
Purple Chinese Houses
Douglas's Iris
Spreading Dudleya

Indian Rhubarb
Indian Pink
Pipestem Clematis
Mule's Ears
Blue Dicks

Ranger Buttons
Snowy Thistle
Crimson Columbine
Nevada Buckwheat
Rock Fringe
Cushion Buckwheat
Wandering Daisy
Fanleaf Cinquefoil
White Mountain Heather
White Mountain Heather