Ted's Hiking World Bear Valley Loop
Point Reyes National Seashore

July 24, 2022

Wanting to find somewhere to hike at a tolerable temperature during this unprecedented heat wave, I have come over to the north coast, where the weatherman has promised it will get up only to 67 degrees today.  I have brought my bicycle along to handle a portion of the Bear Valley Trail, leaving more options at the other end.

Getting started

Pacific Pea

Woolly Angelica, I believe
Broadleaf Forget-Me-Not

Just past the three-mile mark, a metal bike rack signifies the end of my ride.  Three walking-only trails take off from here; today I'll opt for the leftmost one, because that will be something new.

Onto the Glen Trail

Because I am away from my normal mountain haunts, a lot of flower types are unfamiliar; and as always, making a proper identification can be difficult.  Filling in the information-gaps is a never-ending job for me.


California Hedgenettle
Seaside Fiddleneck

The mundane uphill trudge continues

Cow Parsnip

Long-stem Clover
Poison Oak

The path is leveling out now; the top must be near

Presently, the scene opens up at the ridge-top summit, 760 feet above the ocean.

This is reminiscent of Moses's alleged parting of the Red Sea — in the movie, of course

Smooth Cat's Ear
Amanita mushroom

At a trail junction, I turn west onto the Coast Trail, hopeful that it will lead me to the coast.

I'm supposed to be seeing an ocean, but no

The fog has not lifted off the water yet; and for all I know, it won't happen at all.  Summer is not the best time to visit here.

Bird's Foot Trefoil
Summer Vetch

Whoa!  I see something below.

Is the fog starting to clear?

Tiburon Buckwheat (rare)
Cow Parsnip

A nifty trail segment

Yes, it is clearing up nicely.  Hooray!

Southward view

The green Coyote Brush flowers tend to go unnoticed

Looking northward

The most colorful leaf on the trail?

Near Arch Rock

Inexplicably, this inveterate arch-hunter doesn't even consider checking out a possible viewpoint.  Go figure.

Cormorant hangout

Coastal Gumplant
Seaside Daisy

A brief stroll near the water

This is new

Starting inland, back on the Bear Valley Trail

Crossing Cool Creek


Out of wasp territory, I trust

Pacific Morning Glory
Perennial Pea

Prompted, no doubt, by the accidental death at nearby Arch Rock two years ago

Maybe that's why I didn't venture down there today; I'll do it sometime, though.

Nearing the finish

Eight more bikes have arrived

§: Well, that was a treat; for it got me out of the unprecedented Sierra heat wave.  I might venture over this way again quite soon; it's only a two-hour drive.

The park information on bike-trail difficulty is not particularly useful.  It rates this portion of the Bear Valley Trail as "moderate"; yet it it is a virtual cakewalk, with only 200+ gentle feet of ascent over three miles.  A nearby trail that climbs five times as much in the same distance also is listed as "moderate", but I might not even be able to do that one on my bike; we'll see.

I guess that a trail must be paved and perfectly flat to qualify as "easy".  That is what I call the "Triple-A Syndrome", because AAA does the same thing in its trade journal, Via.  Seemingly determined to coddle the wheelchair-set at all costs, a trail that features a hill of any kind is "moderate"; and any necessity of actually stepping over a few rocks earns a rating of "difficult".

Scenery *
Difficulty *
Personality *
Flowers *

(clockwise route)

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