Ted's Hiking World Parker Lake
Ansel Adams Wilderness

July 21, 2021

A nice finish to a wonderful trip.


A brand-new signpost; I like that

Mt. Gibbs (left), 12772', borders Yosemite

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The tree huggers greet a ponderosa pine

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Parker Lake

The Mono Pass Trail is just above the Parker Creek Cascade

Kuna Peak, 13008', is the third-highest in Yosemite


A few years ago, I scrambled up in there for a mile or so before it became too rough




The tree that will not die


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Mono Lake is barely visible through the smoke

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Sulfur-Flower Buckwheat

They are way ahead now

Spreading Daisy


Nearing the barn

Finishing up this tour in style



Our detour over Kingsbury Grade turned out to be about the same mileage as the regular route.

One day later, even US-395 was closed off

And there is no discernible damage to the car.

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