Ted's Hiking World Duck Pass
John Muir Wilderness

July 20, 2021

The best hike in the Mammoth Lakes area did its thing today.


Start of the forested switchbacks


Skelton Lake



Barney Lake and the pass


Starting up the pass


That appears to be a wedding party

I don't know of a lake prettier than that one


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My best-ever shots of Coville's Columbines

Bristlecone Pine

Ledge Stonecrop

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Dave reaches the pass

A pack train reaches the pass

Duck Lake, and Pika Lake behind it



Lunch time


Two hikers on the Pika Lake Trail

Last look


Starting back


This is why I go hiking

Exquisite Barney Lake


The gang is way ahead again




Sierra Onion
Yampah and Groundsel



Window into Skelton Lake



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Braving the Emerald Lake Cutoff Trail

Gentian Meadow and Emerald Lake

A modern blaze?


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