Ted's Hiking World The Windows & Delicate Arch
Arches National Park, Utah

April 23, 2021

An arch fest!

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Turret Arch


The Spectacles


At the South Window





At the North Window



'Back side' of The Spectacles on the Primitive Loop








"It's Superman."   "It's a plane."   "No, it's a bird!"

Double Arch



It actually is "Triple Arch"



Oh, boy!  Now is the chance to share what I long have considered my second-most-favorite place — namely, a visit to the most unique and precious land formation on the planet.

The Wolfe Cabin and potato cellar

Looking back at South Window

This trail is so popular now that one can be virtually overrun by visitors.

The Anthill    ⇔

An interesting place to visit just after a rain

I've seen it busier than this, however



He will have fun getting down

Frame Arch, so-named because of what one can view through it


Brenda's photo-op at Frame Arch

A beautifully engineered section of trail

Delicate Arch




A bit of editing gets rid of the humans

This guy is having a good time

Across the way is the under-appreciated Echo Arch



The Anthill is relatively deserted now

The parking lot is barely visible

A passerby asks, "What kind of photograph is that?"  You decide.

At Wolfe Ranch


Afterwards, Eileen and I stop to visit the cute little Sand Dune Arch.



Sand Dune Arch

The kiddies love this place







Ten years ago, I hauled my best camera and a tripod up to Delicate Arch in late afternoon, then waited patiently with half a dozen other photographers for the magical moment that we knew was coming just before sundown.  This was the result:

This one is on my living room wall    ⇔

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