Ted's Hiking World North Table Mountain
Ecological Reserve

March 16, 2021

Thanks for a great walk!

Getting started at forty-five degrees



The residents are unconcerned

Hollow Falls

The "mud" section

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Campbell Creek

The hillside is not awash with flowers
There are a few Owl's Clover, however

No drinking from that lake

Pygmy Stonecrop

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Crossing the Great Divide

Coal Canyon

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Lower Ravine Falls

It's snack time

Right beside our lunch table:

Menzie's Fiddleneck
Broadleaf Filaree

Redstem Storksbill

Slogging out of Coal Canyon

Coming attractions

Desert Rockpurslane

Little Phantom Falls

A favorite trail segmant


Just above the brink

Phantom Falls  -aka-  Coal Canyon Falls


Fields of Goldfields

Sacramento Valley


One of the Twin Ravine Falls


"Grotto Falls", in lieu of an official name


Unnamed cascade

This basalt flow is part of the Lovejoy Formation — a product of the Miocene Era, 9-20 million years old.  In fact, it is much older than either Mount Shasta or the Sutter Buttes (which also was a volcano).

The Poppy Palace (in the background) is not happening yet

The kite & frisbee contingent

This one will dry up within a month

End of the line

§: Well, we were there a bit early.  The "normal" season here is mid-March to mid-April.

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