Ted's Hiking World Woods Lake to Carson Pass Loop
Mokelumne Wilderness

August 4, 2019

A great walk, but we visited only one of my five favorite gardens.  Next time.


Red Lake Peak, headwaters of the Truckee River

Elephants Back and Woods Lake

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Black Butte
Longleaf Hawksbeard

Near the old Lost Cabin Mine

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Pyramid Peak to the north

Western Wallflower
Western Blue Flax



Davis's Knotweed
Nevada Lewisia

Round Top Lake, 9365'

Blue Bells
Ragwort & Lupine

Lunch time

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On the Round Top ascent

At the summit


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Starting down

400 feet below

1,000 feet above






Ted's Garden #2 is under that snow

Winnemucca Lake

Red Mountain Heather
Wandering Daisy


Rocks 'n Roots

Spreading Phlox
Elephants Back

The Ansel Adams Tree


Freel Peak in the distance


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At the spring

Ted's Garden #1 — the big meadow

Mount Rose Buckwheat
Sticky Cinquefoil

Sierra Willow
Nettleleaf Giant Hyssop

Indian Paintbrush
Great Red Paintbrush

Western Blue Flag Iris
Monument Plant (a first for me)

Black Butte and Caples Lake to the west


Frog Lake

Slendertube Skyrocket
Mountain Monardella

On the Pacific Crest Trail

Woolly Sunflower
Sierra Penstemon




Paul: this is the Circumhorizon Arc that I had mentioned:

from Hike #19

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