Ted's Hiking World Wilson Creek Falls
Goat Range Provincial Park, B.C.

July 17, 2018

After two days of driving from Sacramento, I am well up into British Columbia on what just might be my final excursion into the Canadian Rockies; so I hope to make the best of it for a total of eighteen days.

Five years ago I hiked near here, but was compelled to cut the trip short due to radiator problems with my aging Outback.  This time, my replacement Outback is barely one year old; so nothing can stop me now — nothing, that is, except possibly the ungodly heat.  The air temperature has been up over 100 degrees today.

Hot or not, I must carry out the mission.  The first item on my bucket list is a well-publicized waterfall that cannot be viewed from roadside.  A relatively tame seven-mile foray on a dirt road gets me to the trailhead.

Starting out

Another party already is parked here, and a couple with a dog and an infant are preparing to start out just behind me.  Although the trail is short, I have no idea what it might actually be like; but I elect to use my regular walking shoes for this one.

Oxeye Daisy
Self Heal


It's an easy-walking trail thus far

First view of Wilson Creek

Starting uphill into even deeper forest

Because most other writers concentrate on a trail's destination, one never can be sure what to expect from a trail itself.  Today's route is a good example, for I had not anticipated much up-and-down going.

Bolete Mushroom
A Pileated Woodpecker was here

After a modest climb, the trail starts steeply downward.


First view of the falls


Wilson Creek Falls, 207'

I can see no particular reason to try to get closer; in fact, a warning sign admonishes me not to try.  Despite that, numerous others have climbed atop the obvious rock outcropping for a photo-op.


The downstream air is awash in mist

As I start back, the foursome I saw earlier arrives.  They will have the place to themselves, as did I.


Dad watches from below as mom, who is carrying the baby, chooses her footing carefully among the tree roots.

* *

The steep climb doesn't take long

* *

It's downhill at the end

§: Some others' photographs are more spectacular than mine, but I got what was available to me today.

Scenery *
Difficulty *
Personality *
Flowers *

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