Ted's Hiking World Three Lakes Loop
Donner Summit

July 12, 2018

You must admit that this was an interesting day.


Nice doggie


Annual Checkerbloom

Donner Lake

Showy Penstemon


The Corn Lilies are just getting started

Castle Peak to the north

Lake Angela

No drinking, no swimming, no spitting


Lake Angela again


This is where I foolishly ignored the GPS, heading left of the nearby hill instead of to the right.

Now we are on the wrong side of Flora Lake

Your walking stick is up there somewhere


Getting closer, slowly

Lunch time at Flora Lake

Castle Peak is everywhere

Back on a real trail

Azalea Lake



The dotted line is where we should have been



He is hanging onto a rope











I cleaned this up a bit





















This is why I go hiking

Had we not returned by the back way, we would not have seen these guys at all

Stoned at the campsite

Azure Penstemon


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