Ted's Hiking World Round Top Lake Loop
Mokelumne Wilderness

July 6, 2018

You guys were good sports today.  For my money, this was one of the best walks ever.

Getting started

Hamming it up

On the Pacific Crest Trail, for a while
Bypassing Frog Lake, for now


Nice tree

Garden #1 and Caples Lake


Nice mountain

Nice hat!

Until it blows away.

This is more like it

Approaching Winnemucca Lake

Garden #2 is under there somewhere

The problematical crossing

Round Top, 10381'

The mountain actually does look round when viewed from the east.

The task ahead

* *

Water, water everywhere

I think I can, I think I can

Woolly Sunflower & Alpine Aster
Indian Paintbrush & Sierra Penstemon


The Lineup

Approaching Round Top Lake

Pyramid Peak is 15 miles away

Not another one!

A nice lunch spot

Spreading Phlox
Silky Lupine

Round Top Lake, 9365'

The only beach

Trying for the summit    ⇔

Lake Tahoe is 18 miles distant

Hawkins Peak is only 10 miles from here

Returning from the overlook

Hiker on Round Top Summit


The only Sierra Primrose I saw today
Crimson Columbine



Back on the dreaded logs

Red Mountain Heather

Cosmetic interlude

Garden of Eden

Waterfall across the way

Tarn #1

Starting up the Jumbles



Tarn #2 is back there

"Why are you making us do this?"

Continuation of Garden #3

Just a few more boulders

The hard work is finished

Slendertube Skyrocket

"Well, we survived that, Master.  Now what?"

"'It's a cakewalk from here', he says"

Perhaps we should try Elephants Back next time

Busy burrowers

Garden #4 — Lanceleaf Stonecrop mostly

Also known as Spearleaf Stonecrop or Narrow-petaled Stonecrop

Not many hikers venture over here, because they don't know


Frog Lake

This is why I go hiking

Garden #5 — Stonecrop, Phlox, and Buckwheat

Mountain Phlox
Royal Penstemon

The closest online match I could find for that penstemon was, oddly enough, a photograph of my own taken nearby; so it's gotta be true.


Mule's Ears
Mountain Pride

My app says 'Wavyleaf Paintbrush', but this one is different

Starting down the officially abandoned original trail

"Are you sure this is right?  We don't want to get 'lost' again"

"Mumble, grumble"

Now they're happy


You can see the Woods Lake – Round Top Lake – Winnemucca Lake loop on the map; let's try that sometime.

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