Ted's Hiking World Feather Falls
Plumas National Forest

May 10, 2018

What a great day!  Thanks, guys.

Some of my flower shots didn't work out at all, but others have been added to the permanent archive.

Memorial at the trailhead

Fernald's Iris


Indian grinding rocks

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At Frey Creek

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Pacific Stonecrop — check out the succulent leaves

Red Ribbons are delightful

Sierra Newt

Kellogg's Monkeyflower
Snub Pea


Drug Snowbell
Indian Pink

Heartleaf Milkweed

Bleeding Heart
Notch-Petal Monkeyflower

Tricky trail segment





Chaparral Nightshade
Brewer's Lupine

Nearing the top

Middle Fork Feather River, below the falls

Trailside anomaly

Feather Falls, 410'

At the overlook with Dave Willmott and company

Rainbow near the base

That's my motto as well

Meadow Larkspur
Acute Indian Paintbrush

Near the brink, Mark photographs the new memorial plaque    ⇔

Starting back

Royal Penstemon
Western Wallflower

The most colorful plant on the trail:

Harlequin Lupine

Woolly Sunflower
Heartleaf Milkweed

Expressing our appreciation of the trail maintenance workers

Sierra Aligator Lizard

Pine Mat

Easy going

Back at Frey Creek


Here's a video clip of the falls.  Click on the little square for full-screen mode:

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