Ted's Hiking World North Table Mountain
Ecological Reserve

April 2, 2018

What a great day, in the best garden ever!  Thanks a lot, guys.

Getting started





Hollow Falls, 45'

Pipevine Swallowtail

Beatson Hollow
Beatson Corral

Garter Snake

Do gardens come any better than this?

Basalt postpile

Campbell Creek


This is why I go hiking (1)

Beatson Falls, 104'

Beatson Gorge below the falls

The cross-country begins



Purple Owl's Clover
Sierra Mock Stonecrop

Where to now?


* *

The Coal Canyon gate and trail

Lower Ravine Falls, 40'

Lunch time

* *

Climbing out of Coal Canyon

First view of the big falls

Phantom Falls, 164'

Tribute to a nice man    ⇔

Starting back


The Poppy Garden


This is why I go hiking (2)   {See Addendum}

* *

Ravine Falls  -aka-  Fern Falls, 76'

* *

Scenery *
Difficulty *
Personality *
Flowers *
Waterfalls *
Route-finding *




As of 2020, this section of the trail has been permanently closed.  Apparently, the forgiving rancher is tired of cleaning up after certain visitors who don't treat the area properly.  A trail has been constructed around this section to bypass the private propery.  It even accesses a previously unvisited waterfall, but now the great poppy garden is no longer available.  Bummer.

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