Ted's Hiking World Cronan Ranch Regional Trails Park

May 6, 2016

What a beautiful walk today!  And I added three new photos to my wildflower page.

Starting up West Ridge

The parking lot below

My prettiest friends

Twining Brodiaea
Silver Lupine

Top of the ridge

Burning some weeds, I presume

Descending the ridge

Overlooking Cronan Ranch
The dining table

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The Hunchback Imitation Incident

The Canyon Liveforever are so photogenic

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Lunch time for the river rafters

Elegant Clarkia
Milk Thistle

South Fork American River

We're not posing

Everlasting Pea
California Poppies

The Brewer's Lupine are luscious

Somebody smells the barn

The obstacle course was too tough


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