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Riding the MTA
by Nils Traane
South to make 7♠
Opening Lead: ♠9
This nifty layout utilizes a double transfer squeeze, which is quite rarely seen.
Declarer wins the ♠A and finesses in diamonds.
Trumps are drawn, then the ♥J is led, covered and won by south,
transferring the heart guard to west. A trump is played off; west pitches a club,
dummy a heart, and east a diamond.
On the next trump lead, west is squeezed in three suits, and must unguard a
minor; dummy discards in the other minor, and so does east. Declarer now leads the
♥9, covered and won in dummy; this transfers the heart guard back
to east.
If west has unguarded clubs, then ♦A, club to the king, and the lead
of the last trump squeezes east in hearts and clubs. If instead west has unguarded
diamonds, then the ♣A-K of clubs are cashed, and playing off the
last spade squeezes east in hearts and diamonds.
Note: an initial lead of a lesser club would have defeated the contract.