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Is This Even Bridge?
I seem to be in a rut, because one again I offer you a candidate for the worst of the worst. The difference, however, is that today I promise never again to make such a suggestion; for this performance at the Thursday morning duplicate has already been honored with the Dante's Infernal Lifetime Achievement Award for Combination Worst Bidding Ever and Worst Declarer Play Ever.
The opening diamond lead is ruffed in the west hand. Declarer continues with
the ace of hearts and another heart. North, dismayed at learning of partner's
singleton in that suit, already knows that the contract cannot be defeated.
As bad as west's bidding clearly was, she surely will have seven clubs, and therefore no
spades. A heart ruff will give the defense a second trick, but that must be
all. South, known to hold the spade king along with five red-suit controls,
cannot also hold the king of clubs for his raise to a mere three spades.
Not having as much information, south leads a spade, but to no avail.
West trumps in, then ruffs a heart with dummy's nine-spot, seemingly pleased
to have pulled off that ploy.
Declarer's fame is not yet assured, however. Trumping a spade with a high club in hand, west guarantees her place in history by leading yet another of her remaining heart 'losers'! South is happy to overruff dummy for the setting trick.
I kid you not. The traveler posted online shows the results of the deal:
In fact, declarer tried to go down as early as the second trick. Had the ace of hearts been ruffed, a set would have been unavoidable. The defenders also were culpable, for they could have passed out the hand in four clubs!
That was the third 7-6 hand seen at the club in as many weeks, which is highly unusual. May the bridge gods keep them coming, though!