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A Play Worth Remembering
Once in a blue moon, someone at Dante's Infernal makes a bid or play that
is so good that it simply must be reported. This one occurred in the
Thursday Morning Pairs on May 14:
The opening lead of the jack of clubs was taken by south, who promptly returned
a spade right into dummy's KJxx
North grabbed the ace of spades and continued with a low club to the queen and
king. Now, although declarer could discard a heart on the established king of
spades, he could not avoid the subsequent loss of two heart tricks. That was
one down and 7 of 8 matchpoints for the defenders.
If you believe that that play was unnecessary, then consider what could happen if south woodenly continues with a club or a diamond at trick two. Declarer can arrange to ruff a club high and win the second trump lead in hand, to this position:
Declarer leads the ten of spades. If north grabs the ace, he is triply
endplayed, having the choice of giving dummy two spade tricks, setting up the heart
king, or yielding a ruff-sluff.
North's best play would be to duck the spade lead; but declarer can counter that
as well. The simplest follow-up is to win the jack of spades, then
lead a heart toward the nine, endplaying north no matter which hand has the ten or
queen of hearts.
Other winning options are available as well, but which are dependent upon the
location of certain lesser spot-cards. Note also that south can duck
the opening lead as long the defense grabs the ace of spades upon winning the second
My partner, Albert, sitting south, foresaw the potential endplay at trick one, and took steps to prevent it. That's why I play with him.