Ted's Hiking World Rockwell Falls
Glacier National Park, Montana

July 27, 2018

Having just spent five days camping and hiking with friends in Alberta's Banff and Waterton Lakes National Parks, I am headed for Whitefish on the west side of Montana's Glacier Park.  There I will put Dave on a train so that he can get to Spokane and take a plane home, while I continue my bucket-list odyssey by car.

Along the way, there is time for another hike on the eastern side of Glacier Park.  Paul and Brenda also are headed over here for some fishing at Two Medicine.  That's where today's walk will be.


Because we were rained out (actually, hailed out) yesterday, the group has had time to recover from an exhaustive trek to Crypt Lake.  Today's exercise should be trivial in comparison.

This guy couldn't handle the winter winds

* *

It always is fun watching a pack train go by

Easy walking

There's a beaver dam in the pond

No residents are in view

Rising Wolf Mountain is across Two Medicine Lake

Brenda and Paul take the scenic route

Boardwalks are fun

Bear Grass
Green False Hellebore

Except that the corn liles I know have white flowers, and these guys are green; so my brain is spinning a bit.

A hula hoop on a trail?  That's a first.

Dave heads for Sinopah Mountain

Cow Parsnip
Sulfur-flower Buckwheat

We have found a little suspension bridge with a severely limited capacity.  After watching several hikers cross from the other direction, apparently it is our turn.

* *
Dave has no trouble

* *

Brenda and Paul make short work of the crossing as well

Then it is my turn.  The bridge rocks and sways just enough that I grab onto the cables with both hands.  From among those waiting at the other end comes a "Good job," followed by "And graceful, too!"

Ranger Rebecca identifies some flowers

Green Corn Lily

Actually, the corn lily and the false hellebore are the same plant.

Bearhead Mountain

Approaching a big meadow

Sinopah is changing shape


Twinberry Honeysuckle
Scabland Penstemon

Another fun bridge

Abruptly, we arrive.

Lower Rockwell Falls

Upper Falls

One could scramble up there for a better look, I suppose; but I am disinclined.

The 'artsy' shot, hand-held at 1/5-second

Not bad, considering.  I'll try another one:

Unnatural, of course, but that's what gets put on the calendars

With that, it's time to head back.  Dave and I have a schedule to keep.

* *

Neat colors


Smooth Blue Aster
Purple Monkeyflower

Who is going first?
Time out for photos mid-stream

On the bridge, it's the same story again.  I am the only one who chooses to hold the cables.  Perhaps I just have a lopsided walk or something.

Brenda awaits us at a junction

Orange Agoseris
Subalpine Fleabane

Yes, this is where a spur route leads to something called Aster Park.  Nearby on that trail is another worthy attraction.

It will be only a few hundred feet

Aster Falls

Beautiful.  I like this waterfall better than the other one, and we can't even see it all.

The most colorful creek bottom ever    ⇔

That image has not been enhanced, either.  What you see is what is there.


Back in the garden

* *

A nice way to finish the walk

End of the line

§: Well, at the outset I didn't know how interesting this flattish walk would be.  I am quite pleased with what we found; I hope that the others feel the same.

Scenery *
Difficulty *
Personality *
Flowers *

Google Earth view

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