Ted's Graphics World San Francisco Street Art  #2


Precita Eyes is the Mural Arts Center

* A single image











At the chair factory




* A long fence also supports a lot of homeless tents

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* 29 graphics in Balmy Alley




The birthing panel



The Landlord Monster is crushing everything



...and I doubt that they like what they see







Apparently, Adam and Eve didn't pay their rent

Garage door






















* Alley flower boxes










Right on



Isn't it the truth?



At the pet food bank


The end of the world is nigh

An unlikely Yosemite Valley scene






















Oscar is mad about something, as usual



A great children's lesson on garage doors


Interplanetary mosaic




Do you see the four cats lurking in the bushes?  Neat stuff

*A single long panel





Yes, they are back

* *

Separated by a doorway

*At the laundromat




Strangely satisfying





Bernal Heights



* On the same building

That guy's stomach has a mind of its own





The Sphynx is a mutt?



An entire house is dedicated to this one

*Ah yes, the Drive-In — where romances were born
















*Denizens and heroes


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* 14 graphics in Clarion Alley




In case you didn't already know















*A single drawing

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Very strange


What to do?



*Animal house








*At the Women's Center




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*On Laguna Honda Boulevard




Check out the snake hole




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This seems to be a corrolary to the one in Balmy Alley






Above an auto repair shop



*The Giants have been here for 64 years




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