Ted's Computer World HTML & CSS
Tips and Tricks


Until recently, my default web-page font was Verdana, primarily because its characters and spacing are a bit wider than most, rendering it more readable than the other fonts that are guaranteed to be installed on every computer.  I find, however, that boldface Verdana text tends to be a bit much, or 'over the top', as it were:

[ This boldface Verdana text is generated by the <strong> tag. ]

That is a bit too bold for my taste.  Generally, the writer's intention is simply to emphasize a word or phrase, not have it dominate the page.  For this reason I stopped using boldface at all for quite a while, preferring underlined text instead.  This is a perfect example of the total non-functionality of the feature that is supposed to let one adjust the level of boldness.

Recently, however, a solution has come to mind.  Because this problem is related to the Verdana font (and perhaps others as well), why not use another one?  Yes, that's the answer — a style-adjustment to the <b> tag:


The result:

[ Here is some less-bold Arial text inside a Verdana sentence. ]

That's much nicer, don't you think?  The slight difference in letter-height is a worthwhile tradeoff for a better-looking page.  Unfortunately, an increase in the font size to, say, 102%, makes it overly bold again; so I don't know of a good way to balance the letter-heights.


As of September of 2019, I have installed half a dozen additional fonts including some of Google's online offerings.  Verdana has been almost entirely replaced, obviating the boldface issue — at least for that typeface.  Perhaps this sort of 'fix' will prove useful with one of the other new fonts, but in truth I might never need it again.

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