Ted's Bridge World The Master Play

Movie #6 : page 2


His partner having doubled a slam, your left-hand opponent surely would have led an ace if he had held one.  Moreover, even though RHO might well have all the missing trumps, he wouldn't have anything resembling a double without the club ace.  So concluding, you overtake the diamond ten with the queen, ruff a diamond with the ace of spades, and call for the deuce of clubs!

East's heart return is grabbed by your ace, another diamond ruffed high, and trumps are drawn.  Now a finesse of the club jack sees you home.

Note: in the end-position, the club finesse wasn't even needed; cashing the diamond ace and the last spade would have squeezed west in the round suits.  Come to think of it, perhaps the more elegant play would have been to call for the club jack at trick three!

Style points are everything!

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